Sound Recording Tips
- Be familiar with your equipment and test it before each use. Be prepared to adjust your setup so that the narrator can sit wherever is most comfortable. Bring extension cords if you plan to use A/C current to power your recorder. If you must rely on battery power, have extra batteries. Have the recorder conveniently located near you so that you can easily turn over or change tapes.
- Take extras and spares whenever possible: cables, extension cords, blank recording media, batteries, electrical adapters, as well as odds and ends such as: pens, notepad, duct tape, paperclips, rubber bands, twist-ties, napkins or paper towels and handi-wipes,etc.
- Always wear your headphones while recording. If you don’t you will be amazed at what sounds show up on the tape that you either didin’t hear or just didn’t pay attention to during the interview. We are programmed to tune out all but the most intrusive extraneous sounds when conversing. But when you listen to a tape, there may be rustling papers, tapping on the table that picks up through the mic stand, cable-handling noise, etc.
- Take your time to set recording levels carefully.
- Be careful about using the “pause” button. The machine is still using power and if you’re using batteries they are getting used up. Be sure to listen to “tape” not “source” through your headphones.
- Keep your equipment and recording media away from large metal objects and magnetic sources including motorized equipment, computers, stereo speakers and amplifiers.